Daily Prompt: Experiences in Life that Helped me GROW

Daily writing prompt
What experiences in life helped you grow the most?

In all honesty, motherhood has been both wonderful and difficult, and it has helped me grow SO MUCH.

Being nauseous for 15 weeks straight during pregnancy, carrying my child on painful hips for months, and then giving birth ~ the entire experience built up my resilience and confidence.

Putting my baby first and foremost, above myself, has been humbling and maturing. These days, I find myself helping others out much more than I ever did before, because my baby taught me that it’s worthwhile to help others first.

Now that he’s a toddler and super active, he’s teaching me to live in the moment, with curiosity and playfulness πŸ₯° It’s funny, because he has helped me to mature, but in a way that’s not bitter ~ my child has helped me to mature and still keep and nurture that childlike playful side of myself!

Being a mother has been difficult. But boy, has it been rewarding too!! I’ve never belly-laughed so hard, cried tears of joy, and been as exhausted at the end of the day as I have as a mom.

And that wonderful, one-of-a-kind, exhausting and difficult and amazing experience has helped me grow!! I am better today because of my son 😊

Would you like to share what helped you grow in the comments?

sending you my love,

Princess Himari! (βœΏβ—  v β— )


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