Harry Potter Inspired Light Academia Outfit with Jeans: Easy Academia!

Hello, beautiful seers of all things kawaii ^-^ Today I have a light academia outfit!

To be honest, it’s inspired by Harry Potter. I’m wearing normal blue jeans because the weather is still cold, and it’s soooo easy to just throw on a pair of jeans, isn’t it?

☝️Click on the images to expand☝️

The purse is fantastic!! It’s fake leather (aww) and I got it from Amazon.

Faux leather but super cute!!

Here is the same outfit, with a different and very unique “fanny pack” purse!

The fanny pack purse gives it a different feel… not quite academia anymore, but I can’t think of what to call it >_< Hehe Any ideas?

Thank you for stopping by!! πŸ’—

with love,

Princess Himari! (βœΏβ—  v β— )


  1. What awesome accessories that totally change the look of the same outfit!! πŸ«ΆπŸΌπŸ’• The first purse definitely gives it an academia vibe, and the fanny pack purse makes me think of something you’d see in the medieval days! 🀎 Both accessories are really cool!!!

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